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Re: "alt.cypherpunks" Newsgroup vs. Mailing List?
Although Tim is quite happy with Eudora's (or whatever it is)
email handeling techniques, I would also prefer a way in
which to use my Usenet tools on the cypherpunks list.
I think that making it a newgroup opens up the volume to
a level far beyond what it is now. It will also result
in a far larger level of "noise" due mostly to cross-posts.
My plan is to gate cypherpunks to a local newsgroup
(local to my machine only) and read it that way. Is
it more work for me that way? - yes, but I'ld prefer to
do the extra work required than loose what this group
has as a mailing list.
Now - if someone wants to start a seperate alt.cypherpunks
group, but *NOT* gateway this list to it - be my guest.
People can then vote with their feet which is the better
"medium" or transport method.
Dan Oelke Alcatel Network Systems
droelke@aud.alcatel.com Richardson, TX