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Re: "alt.cypherpunks" Newsgroup vs. Mailing List?
Several people are working on improvements to netnews which allow more active
filtering. The most promising techniques that I have heard about involve a
lot of "ratings" being generated by readers and then taken into account by
other readers when filtering/sorting the articles.
I am perfectly happy with the social scene on the cypherpunks list as is, and
I think those who want to move to a newsgroup don't know what they are asking
for. (Go read sci.crypt and talk.politics.crypto for awhile. I expect an
"alt.cypherpunks" would be indistinguishable from those two in short order.)
BUT, I was thinking that this group (I mean, this group of people) would make
an excellent group to test this new technology. Think about it: Perry
Metzger could routinely give conspiracy articles/authors a "-10" rating, and
those of us who agreed with him could set our "Perry coefficients" to
indicate the degree to which we agree with his evaluations. Thus we might
actually gain a *higher* SNR by moving to UseNet. (And it would provide an
exciting example of reputations in action...)
I don't know if the technology is there yet, or if it is accessible to most
of our readers. One person who is working on such a scheme is "(cm)", or
"na48985@anon.penet.fi". I have added his name to the Cc: line so perhaps he
would be so kind as to tell us about his "NoCeM" ("No see 'em!") software.
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