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Re: "alt.cypherpunks" Newsgroup vs. Mailing List?
> Several people are working on improvements to netnews which allow more active
> filtering. The most promising techniques that I have heard about involve a
> lot of "ratings" being generated by readers and then taken into account by
> other readers when filtering/sorting the articles.
> I don't know if the technology is there yet, or if it is accessible to most
> of our readers. One person who is working on such a scheme is "(cm)", or
> "na48985@anon.penet.fi". I have added his name to the Cc: line so perhaps he
> would be so kind as to tell us about his "NoCeM" ("No see 'em!") software.
(Please note the new email address-- moose@cm.org).
I apologize for the delay in responding to your message -- I will be
putting a lot of information about NoCeM up on http://www.cm.org in
the next day or so. You can also find information in the newsgroup
alt.nocem.misc (if you get it).
If these don't work for you, feel free to write to me, and I'd be
happy to send you whatever you need.
Please note new address: moose@cm.org