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Re: Yet Another Alarmist TV Show About Child Molesters on the Ne

Thats the weirdest statement about the dialectic I've ever heard -- it
bears no resemblance to what the man was talking about
whatsoever. Hegel was discussing a theory of how historical changes
occur, not suggesting a way to achieve change. You also have his dates
wrong -- 200 years too early. The comment also had nothing whatsoever
to do with the topic of this mailing list.


"James Caldwell" writes:
> On 25 Sep 95 at 0:06, Hroller Anonymous Remailer wrote:
> It's called the Hegelian Diclectic(sp?) first postulated by William
> Hegel (an ass) in Germany approx the 1600's as a method for social change
> when none could otherwise be achieved.
> > And the trashing will continue.  It is the classic scenario.
> > Feed the media negative press clips about the entity you wish
> > to discredit (here, the Net), e.g.:
> > 1.  All those pedophiles out to lure your children;
> > 2.  Big coverage on catching some of those pedophiles;
> > 3.  First page coverage on breaking Netscape's code with the
> >     headlines that your sensitive information such as your
> >     credit card numbers, etc. can be retrieved (ignoring that
> >     the reason was to show Netscape's poorly structered code
> >     would allow this and, therefore, preventing it before it
> >     could happen);
> > 4.  Expect cryptology to crop up in the Oklahoma bombing trial.
> >     There already has been articles of those involved having
> >     allegedly used that *damned* Net to correspond.