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Re: netscape's response

> This is not to say that I think *you* are bad at this, Mr. Weinstein,
> but you certainly have colleagues with the worst possible track record.
> Perry
How can you say worst possible...have you forgotten Eric Allman?  Wouldn't
it be fun to try to come up with the 5 worst programmers (as far as sloppy
security holes go).  Eric completely revamped sendmail to make V8 and
put in new holes in some of the same categories as some of the well known
old holes:(  I'm glad my code isn't held up to such public scrutiny after
it's released!  I'm doing some security/crypto stuff soon for my current
employer and I'll run my design by some of you.  I'll run the code by as
well if I can get my bosses to agree.

  /  These opinions are mine, and not Verity's (except by coincidence;).  \
 |                                                       (\                |
 |  Patrick J. Horgan         Verity Inc.                 \\    Have       |
 |  patrick@verity.com        1550 Plymouth Street         \\  _ Sword     | 
 |  Phone : (415)960-7600     Mountain View                 \\/    Will    | 
 |  FAX   : (415)960-7750     California 94303             _/\\     Travel | 