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Re: Cyphernomicon, and a section on Escrow and Reputations
Also available at http://www.msen.com/~lwp/Cyphernomicon.gz
On Fri, 1 Sep 1995, Timothy C. May wrote:
> released it last year, and put it in my anonymous ftp account at
> ftp.netcom.com, in the directory /pub/tc/tcmay, as the file CP-FAQ. Netcom
> is often very crowded, though.
> I know of a couple of alternative places. A very nice job of HTMLizing it
> was done by Jonathan Rochkind, a Cypherpunk, and is located at the URL
> http://www.oberlin.edu/~brchkind/cyphernomicon/
> Another URL, which is just one large file, is
> http://www.swiss.ai.mit.edu/6095/articles/cyphernomicon/CP-FAQ
:: Lou Poppler <lwp@mail.msen.com> :: No animals were harmed in the
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