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Re: HEY!!! WAS: The Next Hack
Looks like we've got a perfect candidate for the first Official Cypherpunks
Press Release, folks.
At 7:16 AM 9/23/95, Censored Girls Anonymous wrote:
>Hey wait a minute!!!
>You HAD stated a patch would be available by Friday.
>Now we are at early next week.
>I watched the stock rise in the face of bad facts.
>Almost 25% of your stock changed hands yesterday.
>For the moment, it seems to me, anyway, you're getting
>a lot of work done here for dirt cheap. I don't know
>cypher codes very well, but I know Wall St. codes really
>well. And THEY ARE BEING VIOLATED! I am glad there is no
>anonymity on Wall St. We are starting to get into the
>realm of SEC action. And I could really care much about
>what happens out on the list.
>This is not a problem that lends itself to 'quick fixes'.
>For the only "quick fix you can give is still insecure crypto".
>That is the point of this.
>You can't really fix it.
>Most of us know it.
>The lies mount up
>on the stock price.
>I normally couldn't care less, I'm a Coca-Cola trader.
>My stock is at an all time high as I write this.
>It's up over 1200% in 10 years. No one can match it. (even MSFT)
>This is much worse than NEW COKE!
>For you are now better off letting them break key after key,
>server after server, until the laws change.
>I'd go back and talk to your management fast.
>For now you've become a pawn in a political game.
>And millions of dollars change hands daily as a result.
>Soon they will halt your stock trading if this keeps up.
>Something, in a way far worse than ever having Netscape cracked!
>Think about it.
>Love Always,
>Carol Anne
>ps I shipped all the postings to Washington already.
>> What exactly is the point of this? We have:
>> 1) acknowledged that the RNG used in the server private-key
>> generation has the same problem
>> 2) said that we will provide a patch early next week
>> 3) said that we will provide new certificates for all customers
>> 4) promised to make source code for our new seed generation code
>> publicly available
>> What else do you hope to gain by breaking a server key? I think
>>Jeff Weinstein - Electronic Munitions Specialist
>>Netscape Communication Corporation
>>jsw@netscape.com - http://home.netscape.com/people/jsw
>>Any opinions expressed above are mine.
>Version: 2.6.2
>Member Internet Society - Certified BETSI Programmer - Webmistress
>Carol Anne Braddock (cab8) carolann@censored.org
><a href="http://www.primenet.com/~carolab">My Homepage</a>
><a href="http://www.winternet.com/~drozone">The Cyberdoc</a>
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Dave Mandl