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Re: VISA and Microsoft STT Specs available
At 11:10 AM 9/29/95 -0400, Phill wrote:
>Yes, VISA put the ASCII on their site...
>We only host the ps version.
Thanks! I looked at the Visa site, and it has a usable form
of the documents still under construction; I waded through
the 73-separate-page HTML version for a while....
There's some good intro material on how you use the stuff and
who's responsible for what.
Microsoft has the technical specs as one big slightly-HTMLized
text file under http://www.windows.microsoft.com/windows/ie/stt.htm ;
it's _much_ more readable, and has a pointer to the Visa version.
(It's one big <PRE> with a few <B> and hrefs, in black-on-white.)
Some cryptographic high points, from a brief scan.
- 1024-bit RSA signatures, using PKCS#1 format.
- SHA 160-bit hashes
- Symmetric bulk crypto includes two options (I haven't yet seen
how you choose between them; I assume it's export/domestic?)
== RC4/64 with 24 bits of salt leaving 40 bits of real key
== DES-CBC - yes, that's single-DES. IV=0.
# Bill Stewart, Freelance Information Architect, stewarts@ix.netcom.com
# Phone +1-510-247-0664 Pager/Voicemail 1-408-787-1281