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This fax list is 95% accurate!
Sorry the whole HTML is here,
however, if you now want to
Press Release, this fax list
will do it for you, only two
or three numbers are unverified!
(and that's as of today!)
Fearless Fax Numbers Revised 9-29-95
<h1>Transgender Lobby Days Website</center>
I promised last week that I would send this out when the idea of a
blanket-fax-campaign for a c-punks press release was being discussed.
Sorry it took me so long to get around to it, but here it is.
I was mistaken in my original posting: it includes neither the Fox Network
_nor_ the Eye on America show, but I'm sure we'll find those numbers
I got it from the Iron Feather Journal, volume 14. I have no reason to
believe that any of these numbers are incorrect, but some of them may
have changed.
Also: personal apologies to anyone who considers this to be noise. Please
restrict all flames to private e-mail.
Anybody wanna fax Ted Turner? :)
ABC 20/20 NY 1-212-456-2969
Ann Arbor News Ann Arbor, MI 1-313-994-6879
AP Los Angeles 1-213-748-1200
AP San Diego 1-619-291-2098
AP (Broadcast) Washington, D.C. 1-202-955-7367
Associated Press Los Angeles 1-213-748-9836 Steve Loeper
Associated Press Phoenix, AZ 1-602-254-9573 Assignment Editor
Associated Press San Francisco 1-415-552-9430 Bill Schiffmann
Associated Press MN Minneapolis, MN 1-612-332-4245
Boston Phoenix Boston, MA 1-617-536-1463
Boulder Daily Camera Boulder, CO 1-303-442-1508
C-SPAN Washington, D.C. 1-202-737-6226 Sarah Traheorn
CBS Washington, D.C. 1-202-659-2586
CBS (Radio) Washington, D.C. 1-202-659-5578
CBS Eve News NY 1-212-975-2115
CBS Morning Washington, D.C. 1-202-331-1765
CBS News Los Angeles 1-213-651-0285 Jennifer Siebens
CBS News San Francisco 1-415-362-7417 John Blackstone
CBS TV Los Angeles 1-213-651-0321
CBS TV San Francisco 1-415-362-7417
Chicago Sun-Times Chicago, IL 1-312-321-3084
Chicago Tribune Chicago, IL 1-312-222-3143
CNN San Francisco 1-415-398-4049
CNN President Atlanta, GA 1-404-827-1575 Ted Turner
Coloradoan Fort Collins, CO 1-303-224-7726
Denver Post Denver, CO 1-303-820-1369
Der Spiegel Hollywood, CA 1-213-851-9867 Frances Schoenberg
Detroit News Detroit, MI 1-313-222-2335
ESPN Bristol CT 1-800-592-3776
Gannett Washington, D.C. 1-202-243-0190
Gannett News Service Sacramento, CA 1-916-446-7326 Becky Lavally
KFAN AM Minneapolis 1-612-820-4265
Kostabi Media New York 1-212-925-3055
Mother Jones San Francisco, CA 1-415-863-5136 Douglas Foster
NBC Washington, D.C. 1-202-362-2009
NBC News Burbank, CA 1-818-840-4275 Heather Allan
NBC News President New York NY 1-212-315-4037
NBC TV Los Angeles 1-818-840-4275
Newsweek Washington, D.C. 1-202-783-6512
NPR Radio San Francisco, CA 1-415-553-2241
NY Times New York, NY 1-212-556-4603
PBS Alexandria, VA 1-703-739-0775
Pulse! West Sacramento, CA 1-916-373-2480 Laurie Macintosh
Rainbow Coalition Washington, D.C. 1-202-728-1192
Reuters Los Angeles 1-213-622-0056
Rocky Mountain News Denver, CO 1-303-892-5499
Scripps Howard Washington, D.C. 1-202-408-8116
Shareware Magazine Sunnyvale, CA 1-602-839-2872 Tracy Stephenson
Sports Fan Radio Net Las Vegas NV 1-702-737-1906
Time San Francisco, CA 1-415-434-5209 Paul Witteman
Time Magazine NY 1-212-522-0451
UPI Boston, MA 1-617-338-9774 Barry Fly
UPI Los Angeles 1-213-620-1237
UPI San Francisco 1-415-552-3585 Bill Bucy
UPI Seattle, WA 1-206-283-0408 Penny Spar
UPI Washington, D.C. 1-202-789-2362
UPI (Radio) Washington, D.C. 1-202-842-3625
US News & Wrld Rprt Washington, D.C. 1-202-955-2713
USA Today Washington, D.C. 1-202-955-2049
Utne Reader Minneapolis, MN 1-612-338-6043
Whole Earth Review Sausalito, CA 1-415-332-2416 Kevin Kelly
kelli@zeus.towson.edu Geek Code v3.0 http://zeus.towson.edu/~kelli/
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Diverse Sexual Orientation Coll.Towson State University DSOC@zeus.towson.edu
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince With The Thousand Enemies. . .
And whenever they catch you, they will kill you.
But first, they must catch you. . ."
-Richard Adams
<address><a href="mailto:carolann@censored.org">carolann@censored.org</a>
Member Internet Society - Certified BETSI Programmer - Webmistress
Carol Anne Braddock (cab8) carolann@censored.org
<a href="http://www.primenet.com/~carolab">My Homepage</a>
<a href="http://www.winternet.com/~drozone">The Cyberdoc</a>
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