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Re: <SAFER SK-xx>
-- [ From: David E. Smith * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --
> /* SAFER SK-128 designed by James L. Massey who did not do this
> conversion and is not responsible for any bugs in it.
> This a 'C' conversion of the reference Turbo Pascal implementation
Does anyone out there have a pointer to the "Turbo Pascal implementation?"
(Or the code itself?)
Reply to me, not the list; there's quite enough spam as it is.
David E. Smith, c/o Southeast Missouri State University
1210 Towers South, Cape Girardeau MO 63701-4745
(314)339-3814, dsmith@midwest.net, PGP ID 0x92732139
Opinions are mine (though I often claim demonic possession)