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Re: DD, pedaphiles, and Terrorists, oh my
In article <9509141640.AA30602@zorch.w3.org>, hallam@w3.org wrote:
>We never used to see kiddie porn on the internet. The net would go
balistic if a
>picture of a teen age nude was posted. Recently there has been a flood of hard
>core paedophile material.
There has always been nude teens on the net. The kind of pictures the most
casual observer can take at any Mediteranian beach at any given day in the
Summer. There is no real kiddy porn readily available on the net. I
looked long and hard. Its a red herring.
ANYBODY on this list seen some real kiddy porn on the net? I am talking
intercourse, etc., not scans of six year olds from the Sears catalog, or
naked boys building sandcastles on the beach.
- --
- -- Lucky Green <mailto:shamrock@netcom.com>
PGP encrypted mail preferred.
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