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Re: Linking = Showing = Transferring?

Suppose we interpret Linking = Showing as

For all web pages x and y,
Showing(x) and  Linkto(x,y) --> Showing(y)

Meaning:  In all cases, if a page is being shown and it links to another
page, then the other page is being shown.

With this kind of transitivity I would not be surprised if a third of the
web sites are showing pornography.

For example (made up titles!), Transitors --> Electronics Distributers -->
Ray's TV --> Springfield Businesses --> Bob's Photography --> Plenty
Pictures --> Photography Resources --> Asian, Female --> World Nudity -->
John's Porno Shop.  The poor guy trying to be helpful to those learning
electronics now has a pornopage.

Perhaps some kind of fuzzy logic could apply.  If one believes in such a

I wonder if I have a pornopage.


Dar Scott               Home phone: +1 505 299 9497

Dar Scott Consulting         Voice: +1 505 299 5790
8637 Horacio Place NE        Email: darscott@aol.com
Albuquerque, NM  87111              dsc@swcp.com
                               Fax: +1 505 898 6525