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Re: More on ECheques (retry)
Gah - it's easy to click on 'send' before you really mean to
> You are welcome to test ECheques on our live floristry service. To
> do this:
> 1. Download WorkHorse
> 2. Follow the instructions for generating a key.
> a) Generate Key System/security/key gen (please use 512 bits)
> b) Specify your user details Alter/my details (put in a bank a/c no)
If you received a phone call from someone you did not know, who asked you
for your bank account number, would you comply?
If a stranger handed you a floppy and asked you to run the binary on it.
while connected to the Internet, and give it your bank account number,
would you do so?
If email from an unknown person asked you to download a binary over the internet,
and run it, giving it your bank account number, would you do it?
That's exactly what is being asked here.
Peter Trei
Senior Software Engineer
Purveyor Development Team
Process Software Corporation