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[revcoal@pcnet.com: Re: The owls are not what they seem]


Date: Fri, 15 Sep 1995 00:02:33 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Donna J. Logan" <revcoal@pcnet.com>
To: Marilyn159@aol.com
Cc: Search Net <snet-l@world.std.com>
Subject: Re: The owls are not what they seem
In-Reply-To: <950912141715_17265559@mail06.mail.aol.com>
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It's your service provider....same thing happened to a whole bunch of
us when we used to be on it...and only selective posts to selective lists.
Look to the headline's your provider has generated the past few days and
you'll get a clue as to what's going on...except the net spread by them and
the feds is a lot wider than just kiddie pornographers.

BTW, I'm being cagey in actually mentioning your service provider's name/
initials, as we found that was one of the "keywords" in the filter program
used by them and a certain national police agency (who's initials also 
trigger the filter program) to flag posts which they thought may be 
"interesting", resulting in delays of up to days in posting.  Same thing
happened in live chat in PRIVATE chat rooms, we were able to bring the
system to a complete halt by just typing the initials of Frederico's
Bumbling Idiots....

The only solution to Amerigo's Obnoxious Lackeys was to cancel our 
accounts and switch to CHEAPER local service providers, who also happen
to provide BETTER service, with no censorship/surveillance.


On Tue, 12 Sep 1995 Marilyn159@aol.com wrote: 
> This is so weird...
> Only pieces of the message I sent are getting through. This is a little bit
> more but not the whole thing.
> Where is the rest of it?
> Is this censorship or computer error?