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Re: [revcoal@pcnet.com: Re: The owls are not what they seem]

On Fri, 15 Sep 1995, David Taffs wrote:

> fyi...
> Date: Fri, 15 Sep 1995 00:02:33 -0400 (EDT)
> From: "Donna J. Logan" <revcoal@pcnet.com>
> ... 
> BTW, I'm being cagey in actually mentioning your service provider's name/
> initials, as we found that was one of the "keywords" in the filter program
> used by them and a certain national police agency (who's initials also 
> trigger the filter program) to flag posts which they thought may be 
> "interesting", resulting in delays of up to days in posting.  Same thing
> happened in live chat in PRIVATE chat rooms, we were able to bring the
> system to a complete halt by just typing the initials of Frederico's
> Bumbling Idiots....                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^
It may amuse you to know that some other federal law enforcement agencies 
refer to Fred's bunch as "Famous But Incompetent."

But then their TV show got canceled ....