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Re: awards for hacking microsoft
On Thu, 28 Sep 1995, sameer wrote:
> I've been working on putting together my hack microsoft
> promotion and I need to think of a good low-budget award. T-shirts
> would not be economically feasible -- I expect to be awarding many
> microsoft awards.. Ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.
What else, Chaum's Digicash. If you are unwilling to part with any of
your own, perhaps you can collect contributions, or maybe the Digicash
people will pony-up some extra cyberbucks for a good cause. After all,
they are worth the paper they're printed on. :-)
C. J. Leonard ( / "DNA is groovy"
\ / - Watson & Crick
<cjl@welchlink.welch.jhu.edu> / \ <-- major groove
( \
Finger for public key \ )
Strong-arm for secret key / <-- minor groove
Thumb-screws for pass-phrase / )