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Karl Hess meeting - L.A. area

-- [ From: J. Kent Hastings * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --


"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, and let me  
remind you, moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue." 
 -- Aristotle, and a Goldwater speechwriter, but not Karl Hess. 
Politically Barry's Boy, Karl was often credited with Goldwater's 
most famous line, but he denied it when interviewed. Karl did write  
books: Dear America, Community Technology, and Capitalism For Kids. 
     ---  T H E   K A R L   H E S S   C L U B  --- 
now in its second year of almost monthly dinners, presents 

The Perestroika Deception: The Phony "Collapse" of Communism

September's speaker is William (Bill) McIlhany, who will speak on  
Conspiracy Theory of the Soviet collapse, and may answer some 
questions about the Chemical Bank Takeover of Chase Manhattan,
if we ask real nice. 

The Karl Hess Club will meet Monday, September 18 at the Marie 
Callendar Restaurant in Marina Del Rey 4356 Lincoln Boulevard 
(at the 90 Fwy). 

The program is free of charge, but if you care to dine, $13.00 
covers everything including tax and tip, with the exception of 
alcoholic beverages.

Cocktails at 7pm, Dinner at 7:30pm, Speaker at 8:30pm. 
Dinner: $13.00 includes all you can eat buffet with Marie's 
Pot Roast. Vegetable, Salad Bar, Potato, Cornbread, Apple, Lemon 
and Pumpkin Pies plus (Soft) beverages included. Order alcoholic 
beverages on your own, cash & carry. 
No reservations are necessary, but for more information, you are 
welcome to contact Mike Everling at (213) 225-3405. 
In order to get to the restaurant, take the Marina (90) Freeway 
West until it ends at Lincoln Boulevard. Turn right at Lincoln 
and right again into the parking lot of the restaurant- it's 
just at the corner. Inside the restaurant, go upstairs to the 
meeting room.  
The program for October 16 is still in development. The venue 
will again be Marie Callendar in MDR, with the tentatively 
scheduled speaker to be Dr. John Hospers. 
Want to make sure you are on the Karl Hess Club mailing list? 
Leave a message at (310) 289-4126, e-mail at agorist003@aol.com, 
or write The Agorist Institute, 291 S. La Cienega Blvd., #749, 
Beverly Hills, CA 90211. 

Browse our Web page -- http://www.pinsight.com/~zeus/agorist/
For tax deduction, make donations payable to The Agorist Institute.
Version: 2.6.2
