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Hmmm.. (fwd)

In a previous message, Jamie Rishaw said...

This was from one of the discussion groups concerning InterNIC's operation
of the whois services, registration services, etc.  I found it quite
interesting that they were logging this sort of information.


> From owner-rs-talk@internic.net  Fri Sep  1 00:47:14 1995
> Message-Id: <m0soE5J-001dv0C@sauron.multiverse.com>
> From: jamie@sauron.multiverse.com (Jamie Rishaw)
> Subject: Hmmm..
> To: rs-talk@internic.net
> Date: Thu, 31 Aug 1995 14:11:28 -0400 (EDT)
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Content-Length:        343
> Sender: owner-rs-talk@internic.net
> What's this?
> melkor% whois seaway.com                                                  ~/nic
> crt0: no /usr/lib/ld.so
> Could not open log file [/home/guest/guest/logs/whoisrv.log]
> Does NIC log all the WHOIS requests?  Why?
> -- 
> jamie rishaw (jamie@multiverse.net)
> "Hey!  Who took the cork off my lunch??!"
>                 -- W. C. Fields

Bryan Strawser, Gondolin Technologies, Bloomington, IN USA        Remember Waco
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