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Commercial RSAref

	First off, let me congratulate you on inking this deal.  I hope that this 
will make a lot of interesting things possible, now that there is an RSAref 
toolkit outside the US, and also for commercial use in the US.

	I have a few questions, which I hope you can answer publically.

	Will there be a public, standard fee schedule?  Many companies would like to 
be able to use RSA technology for a fee, and would like to know what that fee 
is without having to explain their plans in great detail to RSA.  I know 
people who would like to be able to say, heres a check, we're shipping 
software using RSAref to 5000 desktops.

	Will you be adding access points to the software?  I know that PGP required 
new interfaces, previously unpublished, and that use of unpublished interfaces 
was also a problem RSA had with Wei Dai's excellent Crypto++ library. 


Jonathan Zamick wrote:

| Well I've vaccilated between making a formal, dry announcement or 
| letting you all know my way. Given the general tenor (and individual 
| spirit) of many on Toad it is pretty easy to guess which path I chose.

| So, first of all, here is to a productive future for encryption and 
| encryption technologies. Consensus Development and RSA Data Security, 
| have finalized the contract for Consensus to license and support 
| RSAREF(tm) for commercial use.

| Lastly, we would like to hear suggestions and ideas on how to improve 
| RSAREF. We intend to remain responsive to requests, and welcome ideas 
| for the evolution of the RSAREF toolkit.
"It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once."