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Re: Munitions shirt (again)

Dear Cypherpunks:
I sent this yesterday, but it appears toad may have eaten it.
Here it is again.


Ian Goldberg wrote:


>>So, any consensus as to whether it's actually illegal to do so?  I
>>remember some disagreement a few weeks ago that AFAIK wasn't resolved.

And Tim replied:

>The _consensus_ here seems to be: "This t-shirt is illegal to wear in front
>of non-Americans," judging by the comments here.

And since _I_ started all this trouble with a private e-mail to Futplex;
I'll now jump in saying again, [IANAL]: "This t-shirt may or may not be
illegal to wear in front of non-Americans," from my reading a while back
of the dense text of this silly law, [I'll spare all of you a quote of
it, but there's text that MIGHT be interpreted that way.]

>The _reality_ is quite different, I think, and the "this shirt is illegal"
>hype is, in my opinion, just that, hyperbole.

I agree with Tim that actual enforcement of this silly a law is unlikely,
especially in Ian's case right now, and *especially* during our US
(election) "silly season," for obvious reasons.

The availability of strong encryption is unlikely to be a major issue
during this election cycle, despite Cypherpunk efforts, and enforcement
of this dumb law would be a "gift" to those of us who think it should be.
[I hope I'm wrong here, but I think you're safe, Ian.:)]

>Even hyperbull, too.

I wouldn't go *that* far, though. Poorly written, ambiguous, statist<g>
laws can be interpreted in any number of ways and for a variety of
reasons having little (or nothing) to do with justice. <sigh>


Version: 2.6.2
Comment: Freedom isn't Freeh

Regards, Jim Ray

  "People are deceived in masses, but enlightened one at a time."
   -- Dick Boddie.
PGP key Fingerprint  51 5D A2 C3 92 2C 56 BE  53 2D 9C A1 B3 50 C9 C8 
Key id. #  E9BD6D35  James Milton Ray   <liberty@gate.net>
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