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economic espionage (@#$%^&*)

>> >It was said that Pres. Clinton had given a speech while 
>> >visiting the  CIA HQ in Langley/Virginia. He allegedly 
>> >said in this speech that obtaining  industrial 
>> >informations has the highest priority and this were the 
>> >new  task for the spies.

ah yes, just like the way Clinton alone came up with the whole
Clipper idea as a way to balance the legitimate goals
of law enforcement with the right to privacy in society.

careful Bill, your strings are showing. and I won't say 
who is the puppeteer, but he has the initials N.S.A.

pardon me, but this new "economic espionage" sleazoid-intelligence-
agency-justifying bugaboo really annoys me.

boy, I wish I could get my job to work the way the government
works. I go to my boss, and say, "repeat after me: you will
be given a fat raise because you are crucial to the company".

I would *die* to see an op-ed in the NYT with the subject:
"economic espionage: the new bogeyman decoy after the cold war"