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Re: Cypherpunks Press release

> Except PGP skill doesn't equal PR skill, not to mention that there
> might be a geographical, time-zone or language barrier.
> Sometimes having a separate PR person is useful, even if it does
> tend to lead to the moronic statements salesdroids are infamous for.
> With care, this problem can be minimized.

	In which case the person in question can hire their own PR
person. If Community ConneXion had the resources, we would hire a PR
person, because I would rather spend my time writing code and
implementing anonymous systems than writing press releases and talking
to reporters.

> Only problem is, does anyone know of any other way to get our
> ideas to be accepted by Joe Sixpack?

	I don't expect The Mythical Joe Sixpack to accept my views.

> What is the essential difference between a jounalist writing an
> article and a volunteer writing a press release?

	The difference between "speaking for" and "speaking about"

sameer						Voice:   510-601-9777
Community ConneXion				FAX:	 510-601-9734
An Internet Privacy Provider			Dialin:  510-658-6376
http://www.c2.org (or login as "guest")			sameer@c2.org