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RE: Mixmaster status


   Date: Fri, 15 Sep 1995 01:03:58 -0700
   From: loki@obscura.com (Lance Cottrell)

   Let me be crystal clear.
   1) I will not support any version of Mixmaster that is weakened.
   2) All future clients will be able to generate the current message format.
   3) All future servers will be able to read the current message format.
   4) There will always be a free version of the client with source code.

And also that Mixmaster(tm) is a trademark of Lance Cottrell, and as
long as he owns it, he controls the use of it.  If you trust Lance,
you can trust the name Mixmaster(tm).

   While I have not discussed it, I can not imagine that there would not also
   be a free version of the server code (with source). Without remailers what
   is the point of the client software? 

I'm confused here.  Isn't every copy of mixmaster potentially a client
and/or server?  That seems to me to be one of the beautiful aspects of
mixmaster -- run a remailer and you greatly increase your own privacy.

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-russ <nelson@crynwr.com>    http://www.crynwr.com/~nelson
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