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Re: e$ sites of interest

Jim Choate wrote,
>Found these in PC Week and thought I would pass them along...

For me, new to this, I found NetBank's Netcash(tm) to be the most interesting
even with its little built-in protection from those who spend money twice.
NetBank's URL is this:


It is listed with many others in

>Network Payment Mechanisms and Digital Cash - http://ganges.cs.tcd.ie/
>                                                   mepeirce/project.html
>       Overview of trands and techniques, with several useful links for
>       additional information.

(list newbie)

Dar Scott               Home phone: +1 505 299 9497

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Albuquerque, NM  87111              dsc@swcp.com
                               Fax: +1 505 898 6525