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Re: Netscape for Linux?
khijol!erc@uunet.uu.net said:
> As much as this might put me ad odds with certain parts of the CP
> community, this seems quite reasonable to me. After all, why should
> someone provide support for a platform which is not generating
> revenue?
I don't think any of us disagree with that. I think what we disagree about is
getting Netscape to accept our revenue. :-) I've tried calling and emailing to
buy a copy of Linux, and the answer was always, "It's not available for
Linux." Despite what's on their FTP server.
I mostly want the stronger crypto in the US only version, but Netscape has
said they are trying to make that available for FTP, so I can wait. I also
want Java, but no one has that yet, and they 2.0 will probably be available
for Linux, so I can wait for that too.