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Re: NYT on GAK

	Its a good thing the administration only wants to outlaw
cryptography, not anonymity.


|    The New York Times, September 11, 1995, p. D7.
|    Technology / Peter H. Lewis
|    "If this fails," said a figure familiar with the
|    Administration's thinking on the proposed change in
|    cryptographic policy, "it's going to lead to a very
|    divisive debate. And the irony, for libertarians who oppose
|    key escrow, is that if it fails, I am convinced that Louis
|    Freeh cannot be true to his job without proposing domestic
|    controls on data encryption."
|    "He's not going to give up without a fight, and neither is
|    the Justice Department," said the figure, who spoke on the
|    condition he not be identified.

"It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once."