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> : Content-Type: application/pgp
> : Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> : Sender: owner-cypherpunks@toad.com
> : Precedence: bulk
> : Content-Length: 1092
> I think that it must be the content-type that is causing problems, as
> the rest of the message is completely standard.  To the people whose
> mailers broke out in hives at that message: Do you get the same behavior
> with any message having an unknown content-type?
> -- 
> Shields.

I've only ever seen the problem with Content-Type: application/pgp using
Sun's mailtool.  I don't know that I've ever gotten mail with unknown 
Content-Type though...wait let me whip some up...

Mailtool assumes anything with a content type is an attachment.  The
type is used as the name of the attachment.  A Content-Type: of 
application/foo or of just foo both yeild an attachment named foo.

  /  These opinions are mine, and not Verity's (except by coincidence;).  \
 |                                                       (\                |
 |  Patrick J. Horgan         Verity Inc.                 \\    Have       |
 |  patrick@verity.com        1550 Plymouth Street         \\  _ Sword     | 
 |  Phone : (415)960-7600     Mountain View                 \\/    Will    | 
 |  FAX   : (415)960-7750     California 94303             _/\\     Travel | 