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Re: Netscape and privacy
In article <9509290026.AA08282@toad.com>, csmyth@blaze.cs.jhu.edu (Chris Smyth) writes:
> It is true that a user automatically contacts the Netscape Web cite when
> starting the browser if he or she has not reset the default home page. I
> reset my home page long ago, but I do not know if the Netscape site is still
> contacted anyway. Nor do I know if Netscape is contacted when I quit the
> browser, or if elapsed usage time is tracked.
We are counting unique installations of netscape. We have no way
of mapping that information to a user name. We don't save any
information about you when you contact our web site. The Navigator
doesn't make connections to our site behind your back.
> The future Clark posits for his corporation depends on people adopting
> Netscape software for a wide variety of tasks. He wants the browser to
> evolve toward being a general multimedia web browser, mail handler,
> newsreader, and collaboration tool. Such a tool would handle large amounts
> of private and/or proprietary information and the creator of such a tool
> must be extremely sensitive to privacy concerns in my opinion. Collecting
> and relaying information about usage is potentially a significant violation
> of the privacy users will expect.
We are very sensitive to privacy concerns. A bunch of folks now
working here revolted against an effort to track keystrokes and
mouse clicks in Mosaic while they were at NCSA. One of those
folks was marca himself.
Jeff Weinstein - Electronic Munitions Specialist
Netscape Communication Corporation
jsw@netscape.com - http://home.netscape.com/people/jsw
Any opinions expressed above are mine.