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Usenix symposium on crypto applications
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>From: toni@usenix.org (Toni Veglia)
Subject: 6th USENIX UNIX Security Symposium - Call-for-Papers
Message-ID: <DEI0Mp.4L7@usenix.org>
Reply-To: toni@usenix.org (Toni Veglia)
Organization: USENIX Association, Berkeley, CA
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 1995 19:25:37 GMT
Lines: 218
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Announcement and Preliminary Call for Papers
6th USENIX UNIX Security Symposium
Focusing on Applications of Cryptography
July 22-25, 1996
Fairmont Hotel
San Jose, California
Sponsored by the USENIX Association, the UNIX and
Advanced Computing Systems Professional and
Technical Association
Co-sponsored by UniForum (pending)
In cooperation with: The Computer Emergency
Response Team (CERT), and IFIP WG 11.4
Important Dates
Dates for Refereed Paper Submissions
Extended abstracts due: Mar 19, 1996
Program Committee decisions made: Apr 15, 1996
Camera-ready final papers due: June 10, 1996
Registration Materials Available: End April 1996
Program Committee
Program Chair: Greg Rose, Sterling Software.
Fred Avolio, Trusted Information Systems, Inc.
Steve Bellovin, AT&T Bell Laboratories
Brent Chapman, Great Circle Associates
Diane Coe, Mitre
Ed DeHart, CERT
Dan Geer, Open Market Inc.
Peter Gutmann, University of Auckland
Kent Landfield, Sterling Software
Clifford Neuman, Information Sciences Institute
Avi Rubin, Bellcore
Eugene Spafford, COAST Laboratory, Purdue University
Ken van Wyk, Defense Information Systems Agency
Karen Worstell, The Boeing Company
Readers: Matt Bishop, U.C. Davis; Phil Karn, Qualcomm
The goal of this symposium is to bring together
security and cryptography practitioners,
researchers, system administrators, systems
programmers, and others with an interest in
applying cryptography, network and computer
security, and especially the area where these
overlap. The focus on applications of
cryptography is intended to attract papers in the
fields of electronic commerce and information
processing, as well as security. Please note that
papers about new cryptographic algorithms are not
solicited; however new applications are.
This will be a four day single track symposium
with tutorials, refereed and technical
presentations, and panel discussions. Tutorials
will take place the first two days followed by
two days of technical sessions.
July 22-23
Tutorials for both technical staff and managers
will provide immediately useful, practical
information on topics such as local and network
security precautions, what cryptography can and
cannot do, security mechanisms and policies,
firewalls and monitoring systems.
Technical Sessions
July 24-25
In addition to the keynote presentation, the
technical program includes refereed papers and
invited talks. There may be panel sessions.
There will be Birds-of-a-Feather sessions and
Works-in- Progress Reports on two evenings. You
are invited to make suggestions to the program
committee via email <security@usenix.org>.
Papers that have been formally reviewed and
accepted will be presented during the symposium
and published in the symposium proceedings.
Proceedings of the symposium will be published by
USENIX and will be provided free to technical
session attendees; additional copies will be
available for purchase from USENIX.
Symposium Topics
Presentations are being solicited in areas
including but not limited to:
*Anonymous transactions
*Applications of cryptographic techniques
*Attacks against secure networks/machines
*Cryptanalysis and codebreaking as attacks
*Cryptographic tools
*Electronic commerce security
*Firewalls and firewall toolkits
*Legislative and legal issues
*Case studies
*Computer misuse and anomaly detection
*File and File system security
*Network security
*Security and system management
*Security in heterogeneous environments
*Security incident investigation and response
*Security tools
*User/system authentication
*Penetration testing
*Malicious code analysis
Note that this symposium is not about new codes
or ciphers, or cryptanalysis for its own sake.
How to Submit a Refereed Paper
Submissions must be received by Mar 19, 1996.
Authors are encouraged to submit an extended
abstract which discusses key ideas and
demonstrates the structure of the finished
paper. Extended abstracts should be 3-5 pages
long (about 1500-2500 words), not counting
references and figures. The body of the extended
abstract should be in complete paragraphs. The
object of an extended abstract is to convince the
reviewers that a good paper and presentation will
result. Full papers can be submitted if they are
complete in advance of the date. Full papers
should be 8 to 15 typeset pages.
Authors will be notified of acceptance on April
15, 1996.
All submissions will be judged on originality,
relevance, and correctness. Each accepted
submission will be assigned a member of the
program committee to act as its shepherd through
the preparation of the final paper. The assigned
member will act as a conduit for feedback from
the committee to the authors. Camera-ready final
papers are due June 10, 1996.
Please accompany each submission by a cover
letter stating the paper title and authors along
with the name of the person who will act as the
contact to the program committee. Please include
a surface mail address, daytime and evening phone
number, and, if available, an email address and
fax number for the contact person.
If you would like to receive detailed guidelines
for submission and examples of extended
abstracts, you may send email to:
or telephone the USENIX Association office at
+1 510 528 8649.
The UNIX Security Symposium, like most
conferences and journals, requires that papers
not be submitted simultaneously to another
conference or publication and that submitted
papers not be previously or subsequently
published elsewhere. Papers accompanied by
"non-disclosure agreement" forms are not
acceptable and will be returned to the author(s)
unread. All submissions are held in the highest
confidentiality prior to publication in the
Proceedings, both as a matter of policy and in
accord with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976.
Where To Submit
Please send one copy of an extended abstract or a
full paper to the program committee via each of
two, for reliability, of the following methods.
All submissions will be acknowledged.
o Preferred Method: email (Postscript or ASCII) to:
o Alternate Method: postal delivery to
Security Symposium
2560 Ninth St., Ste. #215
Berkeley CA 94710
Phone: +1 510 528 8649
o Fax: +1 510 548 5738
Registration Materials
Materials containing all details of the technical and tutorial
programs, registration fees and forms, and hotel information
will be available at the end of April 1996. If you wish to
receive the registration materials, please contact USENIX at:
USENIX Conference Office
22672 Lambert Street, Suite 613
Lake Forest, CA USA 92630
+1 714 588 8649; Fax: +1 714 588 9706
email: conference@usenix.org
Information can also be found under the USENIX Association
WWW page URL: http://www.usenix.org