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On Thu, 7 Sep 1995 hallam@w3.org wrote:
> >Nope. but the patriots & the cyPHerpunks share a common goal, and belief
> >that it is none of the government's business what we think or want to
> >share with our computers.
> Poor you, the only major political party to come out with a pro crypto statement
> is a socialist party.
I think the libertarian position is inherently pro-crypto.
Besides, the French are socialist, and well, as far as crypto goes...
> The problem is currently with the right wing, right wing democrats such as
> Clinton and practically all the Republicans.
Whatever. Clinton proposed crypto, some democrat wrote the electronic
decency act. (In fact Gingrich was against it)
> If you want a debate on how to convince the authoritarians then perhaps you will
> get some interest. Trying to make crypto control out to be a left/right or
> pro/anti gun control issue is no more relevant than the pro/anti abortion
> debate.
I think that to some extent it is very relavant to gun control in that
both can be abused and that both help the law-abiding citizen do things.
+---- Yih-Chun Hu (finger:yihchun@cs.washington.edu) ----------------------+
| http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/yihchun yihchun@cs.washington.edu |
| http://weber.u.washington.edu/~yihchun yihchun@u.washington.edu |
+---- PGP Key Fingerprints (Keys by FINGER or on WWW) ---------------------+
| 1024/E50EC641 B2 A0 DE 9E 36 C0 EB A6 F9 3E D2 DD 2F 27 74 79 |
| 2047/DF0403F9 18 EB 62 C8 7F 06 04 67 42 76 24 E2 99 D1 07 DC |
+---- Random Thought ------------------------------------------------------+
|I conducted an experiment to test Murphy's Law, but everything went wrong.|