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2nd notice - IEEE Symp on Security and Privacy - Call for papers
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From: zurko@osf.org (Mary Ellen Zurko)
Subject: 2nd notice - IEEE Symp on Security and Privacy - Call for papers
To: www-buyinfo@allegra.att.com
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 95 9:59:45 EDT
Cc: zurko@osf.org (Mez)
Mailer: Elm [revision: 70.85]
1996 IEEE Symposium on May 6-8, 1996
Security and Privacy Oakland, California
sponsored by
IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Security and Privacy
in cooperation with
The International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR)
Since 1980, the Symposium on Security and Privacy has been the premier
forum for presenting developments in computer security and for
bringing together researchers and practitioners in the field.
This year, we seek to build upon this tradition of excellence by
re-emphasizing work on engineering and applications as well as
theoretical advances. We also seek to broaden the scope of the
Symposium by introducing additional topics. We want to hear not only
about new theoretical results, but also about work in the design and
implementation of secure systems and work on policy relating to system
security. We are particularly interested in papers on policy and
technical issues relating to privacy in the context of the Information
Infrastructure, papers on securing unsecure applications and operating
systems, papers that relate software and system engineering technology
to the design of secure systems, and papers on hardware and
architectural support for secure systems.
The symposium will focus on technical aspects of security and privacy
as they arise in commercial and industrial applications, as well in
government and military systems. It will address advances in the
theory, design, implementation, analysis, and application of secure
computer systems, and in the integration and reconciliation of
security and privacy with other critical system properties such as
reliability, performance, and safety. Topics in which papers and
panel session proposals are invited include, but are not limited to,
the following:
Secure systems Privacy Issues Access controls
Security verification Network security Policy modeling
Information flow Authentication Database security
Data integrity Security Protocols Viruses and worms
Auditing Biometrics Smartcards
Commercial and industrial security Intrusion Detection
Security and other critical system properties Distributed systems security
Novel applications of cryptography and other security techniques
We will continue the session of very brief (5-minute) talks introduced
last year. Our goal is to make it possible for us to hear from people
who are advancing the field in the areas of system design and
implementation, and who would like to present their ideas to the
symposium audience but may lack the time and resources needed to
prepare a full paper. Submissions for this session will be accepted
up to April 2, 1996 to permit us to hear of the most recent
developments. Abstracts of these talks will be distributed at the
Send six copies of your paper and/or proposal for a panel session to
John McHugh, Program Co-Chair, at the address given below. Papers and
panel proposals must be received by November 6, 1995. Papers, which
should include an abstract, must not exceed 7500 words. The names and
affiliations of the authors should appear on a separate cover page
only, as a ``blind'' refereeing process is used. In addition to the
paper submission, an ASCII copy of the paper title and abstract should
be sent to the Program Co-Chair (mchugh@cs.pdx.edu) by electronic mail.
These will be distributed electronically (without author
identification) to the entire program committee to aid in the
appropriate assignment of referees. Authors must certify prior to
December 25, 1995 that any and all necessary clearances for
publication have been obtained.
Papers must report original work that has not been published
previously, and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Abstracts, overlength papers, electronic submissions, late
submissions, and papers that cannot be published in the proceedings
will be rejected without review. Authors will be notified of
acceptance by January 16, 1996. Camera-ready copies are due not later
than March 4, 1996.
Panel proposals should describe, in two pages or less, the objective
of the panel and the topic(s) to be addressed. Names and addresses of
potential panelists (with position abstracts if possible) and of
the moderator should also be included. Panels are not intended to
serve as alternate paper sessions and it is expected that, with the
possible exception of an overview of the topic area by the panel
chair, individual presentations by panel members will be limited to
five to ten minutes and that at least one third of the session will be
reserved for discussion.
Submitters of abstracts for the special session of five-minute talks
should submit one page abstracts to John McHugh, Program Co-Chair, at
the address given below. The abstract should be one page or less;
Email submissions of 30 to 60 lines are preferred. Abstracts must be
received by April 2, 1996. Authors will be notified of acceptance or
rejection of abstracts by April 16. Submitted abstracts that are
accepted will be distributed at the conference. Presenters of
five-minute talks are expected to register for the conference.
Overtly commercial presentations are inappropriate.
The Symposium will also include informal poster sessions where
preliminary or speculative material, and descriptions or
demonstrations of software, may be presented. Send one copy of your
poster session paper to Dale Johnson, at the address given below, by
January 31, 1996, together with certification that any and all
necessary clearances for presentation have been obtained.
Again this year, we will attempt to counsel prospective authors. If
you have questions about whether or how to present your work to the
symposium, please send email to the Chair (dmj@mitre.org), and we will
do our best to assist you.
Information about this conference will be also be available by
anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.pdx.edu in directory /pub/SP96, on the web
at http://www.cs.pdx.edu/SP96. The program chairs can be reached by
email at sp96@cs.pdx.edu.
Dave Bailey, Galaxy Computer Services, USA
Terry Vickers Benzel, TIS, USA
Lee A. Benzinger, Loral, USA
Debbie Cooper, DMCooper, USA
Oliver Costich, Independent Consultant, USA
Yves Deswarte, LAAS-CNRS & INRIA, FR
Jim Gray, Hong Kong U. of Sci. and Tech, HK
Li Gong, SRI, USA
Sushil Jajodia, GMU, USA
Paul Karger, GTE, USA
Carl Landwehr, NRL, USA
John McLean, NRL, USA
Catherine A. Meadows, NRL, USA
Rich Neely, CTA, USA
Sylvan S. Pinsky, DoD, USA
Mike Reiter, AT&T, USA
Sue Rho, TIS, USA
Peter Ryan, DRA, UK
Tom Schubert, Portland State Univ., USA
Stuart Stubblebine, AT&T, USA
Elisabeth Sullivan, Sequent, USA
Tom Van Vleck, Taligent, USA
Vijay Varadharajan, Univ. of Western Sydney, AU
Yacov Yacobi, Microsoft, USA
Raphael Yahalom, Hebrew University, Israel
Mary Ellen Zurko, OSF, USA
For further information concerning the symposium, contact:
Dale Johnson, General Chair John McHugh, Program Co-Chair
The MITRE Corporation Computer Science Department
Mailstop A156 Portland State University
202 Burlington Rd P.O. Box 751
Bedford, MA 01730-1420, USA Portland OR 97207-0751, USA
Tel: +1 (617) 271-8894 Tel: +1 (503) 725-5842
Fax: +1 (617) 271-3816 Fax: +1 (503) 725-3211
dmj@mitre.org mchugh@cs.pdx.edu
Steve Kent, Vice Chair George Dinolt, Program Co-Chair
BBN Systems and Technologies Loral WDL
Mailstop 13/2a P.O. Box 49041, MS X20
70 Fawcett Street San Jose, CA 95161-9041
Cambridge, MA 02138 Tel: +1 (408) 473-4150
Tel: +1 (617) 873-6328 Fax: +1 (408) 473-4272
Fax: +1 (617) 873-4086 dinolt@wdl.loral.com
Charles Payne, Treasurer
Secure Computing Corporation
2675 Long Lake Road
Roseville, MN 55113
Tel: +1 (612) 628-1594
Fax: +1 (612) 628-2701
Peter Ryan, European Contact Jim Gray, Asia/Pacific Contact
Defence Research Agency Department of Computer Science
Room NX17 Hong Kong Univ. of Science & Technology
St Andrew's Rd Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Malvern Tel: +852 358-7012
Worcs WR14 3PS,UK Fax: +852 358-1477
Tel +44 (0684) 895845 gray@cs.ust.hk
Fax +44 (0684) 894303
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Robert Hettinga (rah@shipwright.com)
Shipwright Development Corporation, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131
USA (617) 323-7923
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