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Re: NYT on Netscape Crack

On 19 Sep 1995, Jeff Weinstein wrote:

> In article <199509190355.XAA01329@frankenstein.piermont.com>, perry@piermont.com (Perry E. Metzger) writes:
> > I suspect that there are far more flaws in Netscape. String buffer
> > overflows are another good guess here -- they are probably rampant
> > through the code both for the browser and the commerce server they
>   Sigh.  For your information the security code for 1.x versions of
> netscape was not even written by someone from NCSA.  The current
> security team (which does not include the person who did the 1.x
> version) also does not include anyone from NCSA.  While I can't

I will defend Netscapes code on the point about the RNG even though I 
have not seen any.  I assume the Netscape code is quite large and each 
release would have to pass various fuctionality tests.  How can you test 
that the RND seeding is wrong?  You have to actually look at the code, the 
number coming out are still random.  As of last week I was told by
Mike_Spreitzer.PARC@xerox.com that the random number generator seed 
routine in my DES library was only copying in 4 bytes of passed data 
instead of 8.  Given des_cblock data;, it was


it should have been


Rather hard to notice unless you know that des_cblock is passed as a 
pointer and even this can be compiler dependent.

Now I had not noticed this, my library runs like a charm and things 
appear random from the random number generator.  This sort of error can 
only be checked by reading the code and specifically looking at critical 
routines like this the RNG seeding routines.  The advantage of my code 
being public is that some-one like Mike can have a look and pick up 
problems like this.
The moral of the story I suppose is to be 
paranoid about checking routines relating to RNG.

What would be interesting is to see if packages like PEM use 
similar simple systems for generating random data.  Any of the systems 
that do digital envelopes are relying on libraries to provide random data 
for encryption keys.  At least with the old 'enter passwd' type 
encryption there was a bit of secret random data coming from a human, 
pitty about packet watchers seeing those characters as they fly over the 
net :-)

eric (who has also been burned by dodgy RNG seed routines in the past and
      so now uses a rather extrem system involving MD5 and lots of state :-).
Eric Young                  | Signature removed since it was generating
AARNet: eay@mincom.oz.au    | more followups than the message contents :-)