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Quick ITAR question....

I've just about finished the perl SSLeay implementation and I was musing
about how I would manage to do one for SSLref also.......

Here's the situation:

I'm in Britain, but I have access to a machine which I wll develop on in the
States. Can I develop Net::SSLref on this machine?

My feeling is, no, since I'm not a US citizen ( does this matter with ITAR? ).
Similarly, it could be construed that the characters constituting the source
code are crossing the Atlantic to my machine here, albeit not being stored.
Conversely, I'm not reading *all* the code, so I couldn't necessarily
build SSLref from this action ( a parallel may be the export of 1/723 of
PGP in a .sig! )

Any comments would be much appreciated.


Alligator Descartes	| PGP Key available on request.
descarte@mcqueen.com	| http://www.mcqueen.com/hermetica