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Re: Netscape Navigator 2.0 will implement secure e-mail
In article <Pine.SOL.3.91.950918185301.29263B-100000@orb>, eay@mincom.oz.au (Eric Young) writes:
> Hmm.... notice the use of a non public cipher as the base cipher....
> what a shame....
The only reason for this is US export laws.
> It will be shipping with examples of des-ecb, des-cfb, des-cbc, des-ede2,
> des-ede3, idea-ecb, idea-cfb, idea-cbc and rc4-128. If people could send
> me the official Object identifiers for these ciphers, I'll be able to
> support them in PKCS-7, otherwise they will only be supported in PEM mode.
Here are the ones I have:
DES-ECB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { algorithm 6 }
DES-CBC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { algorithm 7 }
DES-OFB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { algorithm 8 }
DES-CFB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { algorithm 9 }
DES-MAC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { algorithm 10 }
DES-EDE OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { algorithm 17 }
{iso(1) identified-organization(3) oiw(14) secsig(3) algorithm(2)}
Jeff Weinstein - Electronic Munitions Specialist
Netscape Communication Corporation
jsw@netscape.com - http://home.netscape.com/people/jsw
Any opinions expressed above are mine.