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e$: New Ecash Shop
Now, this looks interesting...
Bob Hettinga
--- begin forwarded text
From: kulz@dragon.klte.hu (Kultsar Zoltan)
Subject: New Ecash Shop
To: rah@shipwright.com
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 1995 12:30:19 +0200 (MET DST)
MIME-Version: 1.0
I have opened a new unofficial shop, that accepts ecash.
It's unofficial, because it has not yet a logo.
It is an autoresponder, which automatically sends out documents
that people reques. Uploading costs 5 USD or 15 cb$s (minimum
charges). Your documents will also be available on www, or you
can build your homepage if you wish, but I can provide only slow
links yet. I bought the original autoresponder for ecash, but it in
its original form wasn't secure. Eg. 'send *' type requests sent
out private material. Now it's completely secure.
Send mail
To: kulz@dragon.klte.hu
Subject: send faxbank
There is also a www page at
where you can view the documents online.
--- end forwarded text
Robert Hettinga (rah@shipwright.com)
Shipwright Development Corporation, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131
USA (617) 323-7923
"Reality is not optional." --Thomas Sowell
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