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Re: Commercial Mixmaster
At 8:34 PM 9/17/95, hallam@w3.org wrote:
>I seem to remember that Julf took over Stephie's code from Wizvax which
>used to
>post into the alt.sex.bondage group. I suspect he has modified it since but I
>don't think that there is much to it.
Actually, it was the code of Karl Kleinpaste that Julf took over...I seem
to recall Julf saying this in an article. In any case, this is what Karl
claimed last year:
"There are 3 sites out there which have my software: anon.penet.fi, tygra,
and uiuc.edu. I have philosophical disagreement with the "universal reach"
policy of anon.penet.fi (whose code is now a long-detached strain from the
original software I gave Julf -- indeed, by now it may be a complete
rewrite, I simply don't know); ....Very bluntly, having tried to run anon
servers twice, and having had both go down due to actual legal
difficulties, I don't trust people with them any more."
[Karl_Kleinpaste@cs.cmu.edu, alt.privacy.anon-server, 1994-08-29]
>How does the cypherpunks remailer work? Does PGP encrypt the signature of a
>message so that the identity of the sender is unknown? Or is it simply PEM
>encryption so that the DN of the sender is in the clear :-(
Assuming this is a serious question and not a troll, cypherpunks remailers
(at least the ones I have used) completely encapsulate a message. No stuff
"dangles outside" the remailed part.
When PGP encryption is used, nothing is outside the block. If Alice sends
something to Bob's Remailer, Bob decrypts the message and may or may not
find further encrypted blocks inside. Envelopes within envelopes.
I can't imagine it being done any other way. (I'm not counting the
remailers possibly signing the sent messages, as a way of protecting
against tampering, but this reveals nothing about the senders.)
--Tim May
Timothy C. May | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
tcmay@got.net 408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
Corralitos, CA | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
Higher Power: 2^756839 | black markets, collapse of governments.
"National borders are just speed bumps on the information superhighway."