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Re: CYPHERPUNK considered harmful.

On Sat, 16 Sep 1995, Greg Broiles wrote:

> Black Unicorn writes:
> > Some months ago I called for advanced stego and stealth PGP as well as 
> > larger keys in the event we all had to go "into the crypto closet" for a 
> > time.
> > I call for them again.
> I know of three ways to get software:
> 1. Write it yourself.

I've admitted before I program as well as a carp.  (No, not Mr. Carp)

> 2. Pay someone else to write it.

I don't think that e.g., a stealth PGP would demand much of a fee, or 
that such a fee would make many of the people involved in the various\
 intellectual rights of the program happy.

I might add that I don't want the software for myself, I want it for the 
effect it will have on potential legislation/enforcement.

If some other 'punks want to get together and fund such projects, I will 
participate.  However, putting the burden of financing this venture 
(which will have no immediate economic return, as I will support no 
venture which does not result in fully public software) entirely on my 
shoulders just because I happen to believe it will soon be necessary to 
maintain any strong crypto ability, is unrealistic, and I believe you 
know it.

> 3. Find software someone else wrote that meets your needs.

I'm working on 3, I don't believe it exists.

> If (3) isn't working, perhaps you should try (1) or (2). 
> (I've been "calling for" a big house with a hot tub for years now.
> Still no progress. I'll let you know if it works out.)

Cute, but that's about all.

> Version: 2.6.2
> iQCVAwUBMFswPX3YhjZY3fMNAQHatwP/ZJKuNEDRPdCldyvshGkG/w/io+37zx3m
> DyJ4h1+OicxYCtKbolXYVcX8C4d1j7hXY2sesepcDvYYyy+butdQ+/2tw3u0FW1j
> WpfCGURpypBVb5T7QlL21Qv39cBIu9mJxkasPkQSeSnrC24eGtoItmZzrIRZgJyj
> Dj2FOIfxiFY=
> =5DwJ

"In fact, had Bancroft not existed,       potestas scientiae in usu est
Franklin might have had to invent him."    in nihilum nil posse reverti
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