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Re: cypherpunks press releases/contact list: YES!! DO IT!!

> "Vladimir Z. Nuri" writes:
> > I'm going to argue against TCM and others who are opposed to a 
> > "cypherpunk press release" because this is not an "organized group".
> Look, L. (may I call you L.?) --
> we've gone over this many times. We aren't a group. We're a mailing
> list. We've got a diversity of opinions, and we have no organization
> -- nor do we want one.

True enough, but there are sometimes rough consenses on technical questions,
and if it were clear enough that these were collective in nature and not to
be ascribed to any particular person, e.g.:

"Consensus on cypherpunks seems to be that 40 bit encryption is not viable
 for commercial applications, and that Netscape seems to have taken less
 than due care to choose an appropriate random seed for its session keys."

Craig Hubley                Business that runs on knowledge
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