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Questions on PGP3.0
Ok, any of you who are involved in PGP 3.0, please fess up. I know that
it's not even into the RealSoonNow(tm) stages, so I have some questions
about features, like are they being addressed/considered/rejected:
1) Extracting & using the IDEA keys
2) Old ID strings retained for signatures, but maybe less obvious
3) Ignoring new ID strings not signed with the key
4) Some kind of This Key will self-destruct in 1 year type of thing
so we don't someday have 5 meg keyfiles of revoked keys. Also
attempts at dating the signatures on the assumption of honesty
5) Automagically linked keys for secure/nonsecure work
6) Built in rant-detector/filter
7) Add-an-ad, for example "This PGP msg brought to you by Coke!"
to help the PGP project gain commercial support.
8) maybe a non-propagation signature, or something to keep joe sixpack
from signing a key he just wants to trust (but not declare that trust),
because the sig somehow seems to end up up on a keyserver.
9) Grab-for-the-throat replacement of some of the add-in tools. For
example, giving PGP some option so that it comes up with a menu, with
one of the options being to invoke the editor that some other program
thought it was invoking when it ran PGP.
10) Being able to bypass things like This key not fully certified do you
want to certify it yourself (y/N).
Just some thoughts, not a wish list or anything. Umm, well that #6 maybe...
Version: 2.6.2
<don@cs.byu.edu> fRee cRyPTo! jOin the hUnt or BE tHe PrEY
PGP key - http://bert.cs.byu.edu/~don or PubKey servers (0x994b8f39)
June 7&14, 1995: 1st amendment repealed. Death threats ALWAYS pgp signed
* This user insured by the Smith, Wesson, & Zimmermann insurance company *