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Re: HEY!!! WAS: The Next Hack
At 10:31 AM 9/23/95, Mike McNally wrote:
>David Mandl writes:
> > Looks like we've got a perfect candidate for the first Official
> > Cypherpunks Press Release, folks.
>Then sign me off. If something that inane were to go out with the
>word "cypherpunk" affixed to it, I'd cringe. It could only be worse
>if it ended with the catchphrase "hack the planet".
Sigh. In case there was any misunderstanding, it was a JOKE. I was making
a comment about "Censored Girl's" loony-bin post as well as recent
proposals that we should be issuing official press releases. Surely my
subtle sense of humor isn't THAT subtle. Here:
Dave Mandl