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Re: Netscape "random" number seed generator code available

In article <199509251256.IAA27310@gatekeeper.itribe.net>, bianco@itribe.net (David J. Bianco) writes:
> On Sep 25,  2:38, Phil Karlton sent the following to the NSA's mail
> archives:
> > Subject: Netscape "random" number seed generator code available
> || As is mentioned in the README, more will need to be done to find more
> || bits of entropy. (Too much of a good thing is still not enough.)
> || However the security team believes that the RNG seed is no longer the
> || weak link and candidate for attack.  So I am personally volunteering
> || to have my had shaved if a discovered deficiency in this code results
> || in an easily attacked generated seed. [You will be expected to show
> || your work. :-)]
> ||
> Will you put a picture up on http://www.netscape.com/ someone does find
> a problem? 8-)

  I will make sure that a picture is available on the web if Phil has
to shave his head.


Jeff Weinstein - Electronic Munitions Specialist
Netscape Communication Corporation
jsw@netscape.com - http://home.netscape.com/people/jsw
Any opinions expressed above are mine.