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FSTC - What is it...
In answer to your question:
I am not the official spokesperson for the organization. In fact I serve on
a working group in an advisory and design review capacity. However I can
tell you that:
The Financial Services Technology Consortium (FSTC) is a
consortium of financial services providers, national laboratories,
universities, and government agencies who sponsor and participate in
non-competitive collaborative research and development on interbank
technical projects.
The home page is located at
and although still under construction offers pointers to a number of our
projects like e-check and electronic-payment-handler as well as
fraud-prevention tools and technologies. As to the actual posting of the
wqebsite I just finished this yesterday so it will be listed pretty much in
all the "cool places".
a good point of contact for FSTC is: Dan.Schutzer@citicorp.com (Dan, please
forgive me for giving the world your name!)
I personally see FSTC as the strongest player in the secure e-commerce
effort and would advise any banking and other financial services players
(including the bond and stock houses) to get onto their bandwagon,
This leads me to believe that because of their Federal
Involvement/Sponsership, that they will indeed become *the* defacto
standards organization.
As to the meetings planned they are scheduled for the
10-Oct-95 E-Payment Working Group - Security Services, Cambridge Mass.
11-Oct-95 W3C meeting , Cambridge Mass.
26-Oct-95 E-Payment Working Group , General Meeting, Teaneck, NJ.
Hope this answers your questions...
Todd Glassey
E-Payment Working Group
Chief Technologist
Looking Glass Technologies
>This reached me via a couple of lists, so I hope I'm replying to the
>right person:
>>FYI- the FSTC E-payment Working Group meeting is happening at the W3 meeting
>>on the day before the meeting itself. The meeting is being held at the OSF
>Did you send this note? Can you tell me a bit more about this --
>what's FSTC?
>--Michael Smith
> smithmi@dev.prodigy.com
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