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Re: Prvasoft FAX Encryption Software

After the recent discussions of the Privasoft Fax Software
and its proprietors' dislike of the Cryptographers' Inquisition :-),
I wrote the author a neutral note discussing what I'm trying
to accomplish for one of my customers, and asked about evaluation copies.
He's put it on the Web at www.megasoft.com/privasoft/ ;
it's "not crippleware", just limited number of uses.
So anybody who wants to do some research into proprietary patented
trade-secret products [_I_ didn't say Snake Oil in this posting :-)],
there it is.  His description of it sounds like it's got a
reasonably friendly GUI, though I'm not sure that rates $130
when you can get fax software free with modems or really
high-quality OCR-equipped fax software for less than that...
# Bill Stewart, Freelance Information Architect, stewarts@ix.netcom.com
# Phone +1-510-247-0664 Pager/Voicemail 1-408-787-1281