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Re: Privacy book list

> I got a letter in the mail today from Plenum Publishing Corp in NY,
> advertising a book called _Mind Your Own Business: The Battle for
> Personal Privacy_ by Gini Graham Scott.  It seems I am on a
> mailing list for privacy freaks.  Oh the irony!
> They must have gotten my name from somewhere.  The only two sources that
> I can think of are the lists for CFP '94 and '95, and a
> revolver club that I used to be a member of.  Has anyone else on the 
> list gotten this ad? 

I got the ad (and a subsequent review copy, upon request) after we 
published the first issue of the Journal of Law & Technology on the 
web.  It appears that they got my name, and address, from the web 
(both are displayed in the "Contacting the Journal" page).

I haven't had much time to read the book, but my recollection is that 
it is somewhat misguided in its analysis of privacy online.  Its 
historical perspective is fairly thorough, however.

--Rick Klau

Richard P. Klau (3L)  //  klaurich@uofrlaw.urich.edu
Editor in Chief, Richmond Journal of Law & Technology