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VeriSign Introduces the First Digital ID Issuing Service


I thought the folloing would in interesting.  It looks similar to what SLED
whanted to do.  Would be interested to see what their method of verification is.

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VeriSign Introduces the First Online Digital ID Issuing Service; Users
Get Unique Digital IDs to meet the Security Needs of Commerce and

REDWOOD CITY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 18, 1995--VeriSign today
announced the World Wide Web's first Online Digital ID Issuing Service.
Being released in conjunction with Netscape Navigator 2.0, this service
will allow users to directly enroll and receive their own unique Digital
IDs. VeriSign defined today the class structure of its Digital ID brand
of public identification certificates, establishing four classes of
identification to meet the varying security needs within different

The service will begin Beta testing in late October. A company or a
consumer will be able to get a unique Digital ID online through
VeriSign's Online Digital ID Issuing Service located on the World Wide
Web. A user can register for a non-commercial Class One Digital ID at no
cost, or a commercial version for $6, through an online autoresponder.
This unique Class One Digital ID is designed for casual World Wide Web
browsing and secure e-mail and is used by Netscape Navigator 2.0 to
allow users to communicate securely and identify themselves to other
users, as well as merchants on the Internet.

"The Online digital ID Issuing Service was created to provide a one-step
process for obtaining a Digital ID for our corporate and individual
users," said Stratton Sclavos, President and CEO of VeriSign, Inc. "We
are offering non-commercial users Class One Digital IDs at no cost to
introduce the concepts of authentication and privacy to the market. We
will also offer higher classes online using higher assurance policies.
We believe Digital IDs will help everyone in the online community safely
conduct their business or personal transactions over public and private

Public identification certificates

Working closely with application developers, service providers and
affiliates, VeriSign issues and manages multiple classes of Digital IDs
supporting a wide range of public identification certificate-enabled
products like Netscape Navigator 2.0. VeriSign's public identification
certificates can be issued for individuals as well as entities such as
merchant servers. These public identification certificates, categorized
into four classes with escalating levels of identity assurance, can be
obtained from VeriSign directly or through the Online Digital ID Issuing

Class One Digital IDs: These IDs insure the uniqueness of a name or
e-mail address. Class One Digital IDs are primarily used for casual
World Wide Web browsing and secure e-mail. VeriSign offers
non-commercial Class One Digital IDs at no cost or VeriSign supported
commercial versions for $6.

Class Two Digital IDs: These IDs provide a higher level of assurance
regarding a person's identity by involving third-party proof of name,
address and other personal information provided in the registration
process. Class Two Digital IDs are primarily used for inter-company
e-mail, online purchasing from electronic malls and online

Class Three Digital IDs: These IDs further raise the level of identity
assurance by involving personal presence or registered credentials.
Class Three Digital IDs are used primarily for transactions demanding a
higher level of assurance of the identity of an individual. Typical
applications include electronic banking, large-sum purchases from
electronic malls and membership-based online services. VeriSign
additionally offers Class Three Digital IDs for electronic commerce
servers such as Netscape's Commerce Server and Open Market's Secure

Class Four Digital IDs: These IDs are for individuals and companies
requiring a maximum level of identity assurance. To obtain these IDs,
the individual and/or organizations they represent is more thoroughly
investigated and personal presence is required. Typical applications
include access to confidential information, authorization to trade
financial securities, and access to corporate databases.

VeriSign is the only company 100% committed to the digital
authentication market. Home banking, electronic payments, and
subscription based services are some of the areas in which VeriSign is
working, with clients that include NASA, TRW, Netscape and Apple.
VeriSign's public identification certificates offer multiple levels of
identity assurance. In addition, VeriSign is extending its certificate
issuing technology to include new X.509 version 3 format, which greatly
expands the flexibility and capability of Digital IDs. Navigator 2.0
users will be the first customers to receive version 3 compatible
Digital IDs. Being X.509 compliant, VeriSign can include authorization
parameters in a Digital ID allowing both corporate and individual users
to customize them according to their electronic commerce and
communications needs. X.509 certificates are becoming the
internationally recognized standard form of "I.D." on public and private

Pricing and Availability

Netscape Navigator 2.0 users will be able to download Class One Digital
IDs from VeriSign's new Online Digital ID Issuing Service on the World
Wide Web beginning in late October. Non-commercial Class One Digital IDs
will be offered at no cost, or if users desire a VeriSign supported
commercial version, the cost is $6 annually. Class Two Digital IDs are
available for $12 annually. Class Three Digital IDs are available for an
individual for $24 annually. Corporate site license discounts are
available. Class Three Digital IDs for an entity such as a corporate
server are available for $290 for the first Digital ID and $95 for
additional IDs at the same site annually. To obtain pricing on Class
Four Digital IDs users should contact VeriSign directly.

VeriSign, Inc.

VeriSign provides Digital ID products and services for the electronic
commerce marketplace. VeriSign's Digital IDs play a key role in ensuring
the privacy and authentication of electronic transactions and
communications. VeriSign, founded in 1995 as a spin-off of RSA Data
Security, is working with its investors including Ameritech and Visa
International, and partners such as Netscape and Apple, to open the
digital marketplace to all consumers. VeriSign's goal is to provide
consumers with the confidence necessary to conduct electronic commerce
worldwide. For more information, contact VeriSign at 415-508-1151, or
visit their Web sit at http://www.verisign.com.

Note to Editors: Copyright 1995 VeriSign, Inc. 100 Marine Parkway,
Redwood City, CA 94065. All rights reserved. VeriSign is a service mark
and trademark of VeriSign, Inc. Digital ID, Providing Driver License for
the Information Superhighway and Certificate Issuing System are all
trademarks of VeriSign, Inc. All other trademarks are properties of
their respective owners.

CONTACT: VeriSign Inc.
Web Augustine, 415/508-1151
Niehaus Ryan Haller Public Relations
Marcos Sanchez, 415/615-7912
07:35 ET SEP 18, 1995

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