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Re: "Hackers"-- brief review and anecdote...
On Sun, 17 Sep 1995 hallam@w3.org wrote:
> I like having privacy, part of the cost of that privacy is respecting the
> privacy of others.
And that's where we, the cypherpunks come in, by advocating strong
cryptographic protocols and tools, we can keep every machine safe from
intrusion; it's not just Uncle Sam's evil minions that should have total
privacy; normal citizens need privacy too - the spooks shouldn't be the
only ones with it. :-)
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+ ^ + | Ray Arachelian | Amerika: The land of the Freeh. | _ |>
\|/ |sunder@dorsai.org| Where day by day, yet another | \ |
<--+-->| | Constitutional right vanishes. | \|
/|\ | Just Say | | <|\
+ v + | "No" to the NSA!| Jail the censor, not the author!| <| n