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Re: Net KiddiePorn Hype on TV
That's not all. This morning I was listening to National Peoples
Radio when there was a story about the "Cyber Angels." It appears
that the "Guardian Angels" from NYC are now out on the net trying to
catch people talking about child pornography.
This will be real interesting to watch. I don't remember all of the
story, but the best part I heard was when some "Cyber Angel" was
talking about listening a chat session and according to her, GIFs are
codewords for pornography.
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Subject: Net KiddiePorn Hype on TV
Author: cypherpunks@toad.com (Cypherpunks Mailing List) at internet
Date: 25-09-95 11:28
Yet Another Alarmist TV Show About Child Molesters on the Net:
During their coverage of an NFL game on Sunday, the Fox announcers plugged
an upcoming episode (sometime this week) of _New York Undercover_. They
used a depressing line like "Think the Net is a safe place to play ? Think
again !" Apparently the show will portray a child molester luring kids via
the Net, etc., etc. "In a story pulled straight from today's headlines !"
Anyway, the mainstream media trashing of the Net continues. Check your local
-Futplex <futplex@pseudonym.com>