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Re: Golden Coy Freeh

On Mon, 25 Sep 1995, John Young wrote:

>    The New York Times, January 25, 1995, p. D5.
>    The F.B.I. Sting Operation on Child Pornography Raises
>    Questions About Cryptography
>    By Peter H. Lewis
>    [snip]
>    If the head of the F.B.I. acknowledged that his agency was
>    powerless to crack a cryptography program like Pretty Good
>    Privacy, the stampede for that software on the Internet
>    would make the run on Windows 95 look puny.

That's a bizarre and naive statement.  Is there anyone that thinks the 
spread of strong crypto has been less than rapid only because people are 
afraid it won't protect them against the government? Um, sorry, no.

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