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On Thu, 7 Sep 1995, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

> Date: Thu, 07 Sep 1995 20:57:32 -0400
> From: Perry E. Metzger <perry@piermont.com>
> To: starrd <starrd@iia2.org>
> Cc: cypherpunks@toad.com
> Subject: Re: ON OFF-TOPIC 
> starrd writes:
> > On Thu, 7 Sep 1995, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> > > 
> > > Was this really needed?
> > 
> > Yes, it is my bet that there are some patriots in this list.
> Pardon, but I don't care. There are also several socialists on this
> list. Shall I help them out by posting a long tract on the labor
> theory of value? There are several religious christians here. Shall we
> begin to discuss the divinity of Jesus? There are also some Jews here
> -- we could have a bunch of religious debates, and the atheists could
> kick in some mud, too. There are lots of folks here who wear shoes --
> perhaps we could discuss the merits of different brands.

Nope.  but the patriots & the cyPHerpunks share a common goal, and belief 
that it is none of the government's business what we think or want to 
share with our computers.

 > > The desire 
> > to protect one's privacy is a very "patriot" thiung to want to do.  
> But this isn't a list for "patriot"s.

Yes it is.  This list is for anyone who wants to preserve their privacy, 
but I do understand what you really meant.  :-^)

> > CyPherpunks appears to be a lot of peole who are against big brother
> > government, and quite probably for restoring the constitution...am I right?
> Cypherpunks is a list for people interested in cryptography and its
> impact on privacy, law, society, etc. It is not a list for people to
> discuss libertarianism, socialism, constitutionalism, whether the
> president has just flown over you ranch in a black helicopter, whether
> the CIA was responsible for brainwashing your pet rat Algernon,
> whether David Koresh was the messiah, or how many members of the
> Federal Protective Service it takes to change a paper shredder.


> There are lots of places to discuss these topics on the net. There is
> only Cypherpunks for discussing the overall impact of cryptography on
> society, and this is a fairly good place to discuss crypto algorithms
> and the like because it is (amazingly) fairly high s/n compared to,
> say, sci.crypt. Please help out by not polluting one of the few places
> to discuss these issues with stuff you can talk about anywhere.

Again, I agree with you Perry.   In fact on a crypto-note [is that a 
word?] I would enjoy some discussion on SecDrv 1.4....anyone wanna take 
about it v. PGP?  [is it as secure as PGP?]

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