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booby-traps, crypto, guns, and tea
On Wed, 6 Sep 1995 hallam@w3.org wrote:
> Under UK law it is certainly illegal to create any device with the
> intention of causing greivous bodily harm to anyone. The right to self
> defense is very precisely that, the right to take reasonable steps to
> defend yourself with commensurate force if attacked.
> People who go round drawing parallels to gun ownership and cryptography
> ownership are simply playing into the governments hands. Cryptography has net
> benefits to society. Most advocates of gun ownership tend to convince me of
> little more than they are a danger to society. Regardless of their case they are
> the biggest argument for gun control, and therfore poor advocates of their
> cause. I see their attempts to draw parallels with cryptography to be little
> more than trying to shore up their sinking ship with one thats afloat.
> Phill
King George didn't like us owning guns either. I'm pleased my ancestors
had a difference of opinion with him concerning this and a few other things.